- MyPanelLab is an online research panel through which registered Participants are able to take part in marketing research and public opinion surveys, conducted at (hereinafter „Panel”).
- Panel is owned by KOGGA Sp. z o. o. with its registered address in Warsaw (Al. KEN 36/112b, 02-797 Warsaw), registered in the commercial register of the National Court Register held by the District Court for the city of Warsaw in Warsaw, Division XIII Commercial of the National Court Register, KRS 0000562371 (hereinafter „KOGGA”).
- The principles of Panel functioning are in accordance with the International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice ICC/ESOMAR,
- Any physical person with the full legal capacity to act can become a Panel Participant. Panel participation is voluntary.
- Registration, a computer with Internet access, an Internet browser and an email account are required to participate in Panel.
- Panel registration entails completing a Registration Form, accepting the Terms and Conditions and consent for personal data processing for research purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR). Once the registration process is successfully completed the given person is granted a Panel Participant status (hereinafter “Participant”).
- A Participant’s details provided in the Registration Form have to be accurate and current. A Participant is obligated to update their details under pain of having their account deleted.
- Only one Panel account is allowed per Participant.
- A Participant taking part in an online survey, each and every time is obligated to provide true and reliable answers to questions contained in the online questionnaires they complete, under pain of having their account deleted.
- A Participant observing the Terms and Conditions is a necessary condition of Panel participation.
- A Participant has full access to their Panel Account, these details and is able to update them independently. A Participant is obligated to enter only true data into Panel under pain of the Participant being deleted from Panel.
- Panel owner reserves the right to refuse Participant registration without providing a reason.
- An invitation is sent to a Participant’s email address provided on the Registration Form. The invitation contains a link to an online survey together with detailed terms of participation in a given survey (including an approximate length of the survey in minutes and the remuneration available for completing the survey).
- Invitations to take part in research are only sent to those Participants who satisfy certain defined social and demographic criteria required by the given survey, which are verified on the basis of the information provided by the Participant on the Registration Form. Participant selection criteria for particular research depend on defined social and demographic criteria and vary depending on the requirements of a given survey. The decision to select participants for participation in a survey is the at Panel owner’s sole discretion.
- Participation in research and completing online surveys is voluntary. Each and every time a Participant has the right to decide whether or not to take part in a survey to which they were invited.
- The number of invitations for research participation sent to Participants depends on the number and subjects of the conducted research. Participants receive invitations to participate in research at most twice a week.
- A Participant who qualified for participation in research and answers all questions of the given survey in a correct and truthful manner shall be entitled to receive financial remuneration. The remuneration amount depends on the survey length and research subject and is announced to the Participant every time as part of the invitation to take part. In particular circumstances, a Participant may receive remuneration in another form (other than money) which shall be defined in the research invitation.
- Financial remuneration for each survey the Participant completes truthfully and correctly shall be awarded within 30 (thirty) calendar days of the completed survey.
- The remuneration due to the Participant is accumulated on the Participant’s Panel account. A Participant may withdraw it at any time as long as they have accumulated at least 10 EUR, 8 GBP, 12.50 USD, 12.50 CAD or 17 AUD in their Panel account. Once a Participant has accumulated at least 10 EUR, 8 GBP, 12.50 USD, 12.50 CAD or 17 AUD a Withdrawal Form will appear in the Panel Participant’s account.
- The remuneration due to the Participant shall be transferred to the PayPal account provided by the Participant within 45 (forty-five) calendar days of the Withdrawal Form completion date.
- A Participant may check the state of their account at any time by logging onto
- Each Participant may, at any time, resign from Panel participation by deleting their Account, reserving the right to receive their due remuneration.
- In the event of a Participant resigning from Panel participation, they have the right to demand payment of the remuneration due to them accumulated in their account. The User should inform Panel owner regarding the request to receive the remuneration accumulated in their account by email to: [email protected]. In order for a Participant to be able to request payment of the accumulated remuneration, they need to complete the Withdrawal Form. The remuneration shall be transferred to the PayPal account provided by the Participant within 90 (ninety) calendar days of the Withdrawal Form completion date.
- If a Participant resigns from Panel participation their data is permanently deleted from Panel.
- Panel owner reserves the right to delete a Participant’s account from Panel at any time and in particular in the event of:
- a Participant being in breach of the Terms and Conditions,
- a Participant owning multiple accounts in Panel,
- a Participant proving false information on the Registration Form or online surveys (detected during control procedures),
- providing useless answers to online surveys (series of random characters),
- using automated mechanisms for entering answers to online surveys,
- failing to complete three surveys, to which a Participant received an invitation, in a calendar year,
- a Participant not logging in over a period of 360 (three hundred and sixty) calendar days since their last login as well as failure to update details in Participant’s Account – in particular, the email account,
- not accepting changes to Terms and Conditions within 30 (thirty) calendar days of receiving such information.
- A Participant whose account has been deleted from the Panel is no longer entitled to receive the remuneration accumulated therein.
- A Participant shall be informed regarding Account deletion via email, to the email address provided by the Participant on the Registration Form.
- Panel owner guarantees that all data and opinions received from Participants during registration and research are confidential. Information to which the above sentence refers is used solely for research purposes and processes pursuant to the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR). Participants’ data and opinions obtained during the course of research are processed in collective statistical sets in a manner making it impossible to single out the data or opinions of one given person.
- A Participant is obligated to treat all information received in relation with participation in research performed via Panel as confidential and not to disclose it to third parties.
- Panel owner reserves the right to amend the T&C.
- A Participant shall be informed by Panel owner on T&C changes by email to the email address provided on the Registration Form.
- Within 30 (thirty) calendar days of Panel owner sending information regarding amendments to T&C, a Participant reserves the right to reject those amendments by deleting their Panel Account. If a Participant does not reject the T&C amendments within 30 (thirty) calendar days of Panel owner sending information regarding amendments, this automatically results in the Participant accepting the amendments.
- In the event of a Participant not accepting the T&C amendments, they have the right to receive the remuneration due to them accumulated in their account within 60 (sixty) calendar days of Panel owner sending information regarding amendments made to the T&C, under pain of the said right being waived.
- Uploading copying and using Panel content and in particular surveys, databases and content made available in Panel and their re-use in whole or significant part quantitive or qualitative is prohibited without permission from Panel owner.
- All messages and materials available in Panel are protected by the provision of Polish law and in particular by the provisions if the Copyrights and Derivative Rights Act of 4 February 1994.
- The T&C are available on Panel website.
- Panel owner reserves the right to refuse Participant registration without providing a reason.
- These T&C are effective as of 10 January 2022.
Update: 10 January 2022