DO NOT pay for participation in the research panel.
Most companies do not charge for the possibility to participate in research. Registration and participation in research conducted in MyPanelLab is completely free. You earn from us. So it should be in every research panel.
Check your mailbox regularly.
In this way, most of the research panels (we also) send invitations to participate in the research. In addition, you can fill out paid surveys using the mobile application. Remember to search for MyPanelLab after logging into the application on your phone.
Fill out your panelist profile.
A complete and honestly completed profile is a chance for more paid surveys sent to your e-mail. It is also always the first stage of verification whether a person matches the study.
Do NOT be discouraged when you fall off on the so-called screen-out.
Research companies are doing a lot of research, so there will be more invitations. All you need to do is check the mailbox. Screen-out is a different filtering question placed in the survey itself. In this way, we select respondents for the study.
Share the MyPanelLab panel with your friends.
Thanks to this, they will also be able to earn a few EUR. More panel participants also include more research.
DO NOT keep money in your research panel account.
As soon as you collect the amount that qualifies for withdrawal (in MyPanelLab it is 12.50 EUR) – pay it out. You can do it with us through PayPal. You can set up a PayPal account for free. PayPal is the world standard for online payments.
Use your discount coupons and vouchers right away.
They can often have a certain period of validity, after which they lose their strength.
DO NOT give accidental answers, do not speed while taking a survey.
Such practices are not permitted and are easy to capture. In the best case, you will not get money for such a completed survey, in the worst case you will be excluded from participation in the panel.
Give only true and reliable answers.
This is very important. Your opinion helps to build better products, services, and processes. It helps the company and the organization change. The quality of data is of key importance, therefore it is verified on many levels.